3CX Solutions | Computer Clinic


is a fully featured, next generation telephone system… and much more! It provides an enterprise grade phone system with all the bells and whistles that were previously only available for larger businesses with much bigger wallets. Many international businesses have leveraged 3CX to lower their telephony costs and increase their staff productivity and customer service.

It is scalable to any size of business by using an app which works on any type of device. It has been developed for modern businesses needing future proofed communications and features a comprehensive set of features such as.

  • Mobility - stay connected with the mobile app

  • Remote - WFH with mobile or desktop app

  • Instant visibility of colleague availability

  • Easily expand services to match your needs

  • High call quality

  • Customisable call handling

  • Voice mail sent to your Inbox & Transcribed too

  • Call recording

  • Video and voice conference functionality

  • Website chat integration

  • Microsoft Teams integration

  • Reports and analytics on all calls

What’s more is that 3CX features a platform agnostic app that will work on virtually any device from Mobile Phones, Laptops computers, Desktop computers & some traditional deskphones too!

Want to know more?


3CX - Mobile Phone Feature Set