SLA - Service Level Agreements

With certain customers, we do provide a formal agreement to respond and assist within certain timeframes. These vary customer to customer but we do require a higher level of managed services to do this so we can provide a more controllable environment. This minimum foundation actually saves money in the long-term as it provides standardization and a solid foundation to work from and be more easily supported. Monthly agreements include a monthly management fee to carry out certain tasks on a routinely basis. 

e.g.  We apply any changes required on your Microsoft Tenancy as part of Microsoft's continuous improved best practices and updates. We obtain this information by reading and acting upon their official update channel and white papers as we are a Microsoft Partner. In addition to this we have an entire list of other services that we provide which is very extensive such as backups and cyber security.  
We can provide you with a full, end to end managed IT service or scale this back as per your requirements to provide a more ad-hoc service to suit your needs.

e.g. This includes everything from domain security, Microsoft software, email system licences, password management, Advanced Cyber security (next gen products), Security awareness training, phishing tests, Backup systems and hardware monitoring, new computers and laptops plus other hardware as required.

If we currently do not have a documented managed services agreement in place with you then we currently have no official service level agreement. Thus, all your I.T. needs will be handled on an ad-hoc, first come first served approach.

In terms of entering into an agreement, we are flexible so can do as much or as little as you prefer and will tailor everything to your needs.  If you are interested in having a managed agreement of any dimension with SLA’s, the process is to jointly agree on what is important to you, then construct a formal arrangement around this. We have a number of existing agreements to use as a baseline to show various options to consider. Having a formal agreement in place would provide all round confidence and clarity with defined expectations. Additionally, this document would provide evidence of the security and provisions around your managed I.T. to 3rd parties and insurance companies. As well as potentially lowering insurance costs, this will importantly satisfy your customer’s expectations that their data is safe with you. Thus you comply with modern requirements such as the privacy act and insurance policies. After all, getting hacked could lose you a big contract through inability to operate, which leads to poor reputation and lack of confidence.

So to see how a managed I.T. contract can provide your business with a consistent baseline, please contact us for further discussions here