Are QR codes safe?

QR codes can appear anywhere, in shops, on trees, in malls, on websites and sent by email.   While QR codes are generally safe, they can easily be manipulated by scammers because they all appear similar to the human eye. 
Similarly, because QR codes are images, their content is more likely to make it past email filters too.  

Between May 2023 and the end of September 2023, QR code attacks increased by 2400%

A malicious QR code may lead you to a spoofed website designed to steal your sensitive data, like your password, credit card information, or identity.

The other problem is that QR codes are used on mobile devices and these often fall outside the protection of the company's security environment.

So if you want to have better security and controls over your mobile phones, please ask Computer Clinic for more details.  In the meantime, inform everyone you know to be cautious with QR codes wherever they may be.


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