Cyber Insurance


Due to heightened awareness of cyber-crime, we are seeing a growing amount of companies taking our cyber insurance. However, many of these technical insurance forms are completed incorrectly, resulting in the business not actually being insured. We can help ensure these are completed accurately.


However with a couple of minor changes to the way a business operates (e.g. a cloud backup), you can tick YES on the form instead of NO which will save a fortune in premiums!


25 years ago, being part of an IT department in the UK, I wrote my first ‘Documented Disaster Recovery Plan’ This was because the IRA had indicated an imminent attack (bombing). Sure enough, the 19-story building I worked in had a van parked at the bottom (full of bombs) and it went off, shattering glass for a 1-mile radius including 400 year old irreplaceable stain glass windows. Nobody was killed but the damage to all local businesses was devastating. Preparing for a disaster (of any nature) entails creating a business continuity plan and obviously, there is an IT element within this plan. We can by provide an ‘IT Documented Disaster Recovery Plan' so you have a detailed course of action in the event of various types of disasters. This is a structured document specific to your business, reviewed regularly.


Nobody realises how important this is to a business until it is all too late. Expensive lessons are then learned the hard way. To avoid being caught out, we can aid with a customised plan for you.


Forwarding thinking people and companies analyse the risk and are proactive about it by not only carrying out changes, but also have regular reviews too. We can also offer a second opinion to existing plans.


The next step is let us assist you by ensuring you have the right plan in terms of IT mechanisms and specific/accurate insurances in place to be able to recover from a disaster.

EXAMPLE - Key person unavailable

A key person in your business gets hit by a bus / contracts Covid and is in hospital, unable to communicate. However, this person has all the company’s secrets, passwords and administrator access to various systems stored ‘in their head.’ The business will suffer due to lack of access, being unable to make appropriate changes. To combat this, we can provide a special vault where all secrets can be typed in. This is protected via 2 factor authentication. In the event of a disaster, we have the keys to open this for the business.

EXAMPLE - Key person going to work for your competition / setup a start-up company

A person currently has access to all the company’s intellectual property, customer database, templates, marketing, document systems and emails. All this information can be taken with them to another business. We can put steps in place to avoid, block, report on and recover evidence of any espionage.

EXAMPLE - Person leaves the business and all their devices & systems cannot be accessed.

They have put 2 factor authentication on everything including phones, laptop, systems and email. However, this 2nd factor is directly linked to their personal mobile phone and personal email address, of which you have no access to. Now that they have left the business, there is no way to access anything. Plus, the company’s iPhone is locked to their personal iCloud account, thus rendering it completely unusable. We can put a ‘person leaving plan’ in place to avoid these situations occurring in the first place.

NEXT STEPS - Please get in touch with the Computer Clinic team to review and tailor a plan to suit you. | 03 3 90 91 92 | 021 99 03 03


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