ISP Supplied Routers

Before we start this new blog post, we hope that everyone is doing well. We have been flat out since we came out of lockdown, and only now have we had time to breathe!

So with these 20 minutes of ‘downtime’, I thought it best to update the website and make sure you know we are still alive and kicking.

Now, as with the title I wanted to spend some time talking about those lovely white boxes Spark, Vodafone, 2degrees, Slingshot, etc send out for free… If I could describe them with one word it would be ‘awful’.

Over lockdown with the increased usage at home, these devices didn’t last long before dropping out, overheating and needing reboots. When a business has one of these routers in place, it is usually one of the first things we recommend to replace.

They’re cheap to make and only designed to get you connected to the internet and not much else. The best way we can describe is, if you think of your electricity provider, they provide electricity to your house and that’s it, after that they’re done. Think of your Internet service provider in the same vein.

We have solutions that start at $300 to operate in conjunction with these routers but take over the Wi-Fi capabilities and can provide beefier solutions for bigger homes and offices if needed.

I hope the next update isn’t another 3 months away, but until then, keep well and stay safe :)


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