RAM... How much do you need?

The answer is 1…. V10 Viper Powered

Dreams are free…

On a more serious note, RAM or Random Accessible Memory is what is in all of our devices. It is the working area for the programs that we use. Think of Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, and Outlook using a workshop bench (RAM) when in use, but stored away in the draws, cupboards, and shelves not in use (the internal Hard Drive / SSD).

The more bench space aka the more RAM you have, in theory, the more you can multitask. Unfortunately, that bench space is already taken up by your main system, be it Windows, MacOS, Android etc. There’s only so much room that can be used for other things, and it seems like every day those main systems need more and more RAM to function.

At Computer Clinic we recommend 12GB or more in PCs for optimal use. As a general rule 1/3 (4GB) for Windows to breathe, 1/3 (4GB) for Browsing Tabs (Chrome/Firefox etc), and the final 1/3 (4GB) for any other apps open. Apple Mac’s we would recommend 16GB or more.

Many PC’s still only come with 8GB and that has been the standard since 2014 - but this is changing rapidly. 4GB only comes with the lowest of low-end devices and aren’t recommended at all.

As a side note, chucking heaps of RAM at an older PC will not magically make it faster either, but it can help. Talk to us and we can see if a RAM upgrade will speed up your PC.


The ongoing and never ending war: Intel vs. AMD