IT Strategy: Managing Risk


As an IT company, we need to fully understand the way our Clients business operates so that we can:-

1. Create a security strategy

2. Establish metrics

3. Manage third-party risk

4. Provide security awareness training

5. Routinely assess everything to ensure we are ahead of the game

Continual business network and data security to are an increasingly challenging task for businesses of all sizes. From human error or negligence to trojans, viruses and crypto lockers—your data is under constant threat and that is a major risk you do not want to have. Recent stats from leading analysts estimate that a new virus is released every 3.6 seconds. Computer Clinic offers businesses a comprehensive range of security and disaster recovery solutions to ensure threats are minimised.

This proactively prevents minor issues escalating into what could become a serious breach of security or major event for the business. Staying one step ahead is only possible from routine reviews of your IT security, alongside the future demands of the business. So if IT security is a topic you want to take more seriously, we offer a free consultation to discuss strategies of minimizing risk.




Security implications of Zoom and House Party Apps