New House - New Fibre - Bad WiFi?
Here’s why:
Countless calls to your internet provider or even changing your internet provider will NOT fix your poor internet connection. Even though you are on a fibre connection, all your equipment is usually situated in a metal box in the garage. Unfortunately, WiFi will bounce around inside this metal box, leaving the rest of your house with a very poor WiFi connection.
Next, even if your equipment is not in a metal box, the router that is provided by your ISP is often of low quality - we have a prior blog post all about this.
Ensure that when you are building a new house that it has structured CAT6 cabling, from there we can replace your router with something smaller and dedicated to internet only eg:
This little device will easily fit in a small cabinet
Next, we would supply dedicated Wireless Access Points that can be distributed around the house for maximum Wi-Fi coverage eg:
This just a generic example of the type of work that we can do, and is usually the best fix for most houses. However, we’d always like to come out and scope your home or business to ensure the best Wi-Fi solution is put in place!